Friday, October 22, 2010

"my breast friend"

I don't know too many men that would sit through 3 1/2 hours of breast, nipple and lactation conversations but my husband sure did last night! We attended our final baby class last night which was of course our Breastfeeding class at the hospital. I was surprised by how much I already knew from all my reading and discussions with other moms over the past few months but it was nice to have the opportunity to ask questions and be around other soon-to-be parents. 9 out of 10 couples were expecting girls - it must have been in the water!

I told a friend the other day that I am actually not scared or timid at all about the delivery process - in fact I am quite at ease with the whole thing. Mostly because you cannot fail the delivery process- that baby is coming out one way or the is going to happen! However, this is not the case when it comes to breastfeeding. Breastfeeding keeps me up at night and I will tell you why- everyday I hear of women being defeated by breastfeeding for one reason or another. It is a case by case situation and every mom is different but I just want to be one of the lucky ones! The ones you overhear saying "it was a breeze..she latched on during the first try..I dont even have to think about has been such a rewarding and joyus time for us both!" Blah But instead I am afraid I am going to sound like this, "I am dying here...she wont take to it..we havent slept for a week and shes losing weight my pants still wont fit!" I know that all new moms think like this and I am not being that crazy but I really want to succeed here. So any advice is welcome from those that have been successful or even from those that havent! Wow - things have really changed already- my greatest fear in life is not being able to breastfeed - who would have thought! ha but I wouldnt have it any other way!

Tomorrow is our shower in Dallas and I cannot wait to celebrate Adrians upcoming arrival with all my friends! We are so blessed to have so many people surrounding us that care enough to celebrate her. I will update soon after with pictures! Have a great weekend and Go Rangers kick some Yankee butt!

29 weeks - will be 30 on Tuesday!

Adrians chair and the new paint job/the new chair rail!

Nick working on hanging the too long drapes. They are really cute with polka dots but we now have to get them hemmed.

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