Monday, March 28, 2011

Greys Anatomy

So now that I am back to work I am definitely going through Adrian withdraws ..they are the worst whenever I hit some downtime in my day and it makes me very sad but I also have to admit that I am experiencing withdraws from something else - rerun episodes of Greys Anatomy! I know I know...I am not proud but when you spend hours and hours sitting on your butt at home learning how to nurse a newborn baby you are bound to fall into some kind of a rut- mine just so happens to include McDreamy and McSteamy. Everyday from 1pm to 3 pm on Lifetime was 2 hours that I fell back in love with Meredith Grey and McDreamys love affair and I just couldn't look away! Of course, during the last 2 weeks of my "stay at home" mom adventure it changed times and only came on at 8 am and only for 1 episode! But I didn't care- I was awake and I was still obsessed! So now I have to DVR my "drug" and try to watch it at night- the only bad thing is that my obsession has become an annoyance to my husband and he will not even be in the same room with me while I watch fake doctors save fake lives. I need an intervention and I need one fast!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Learning to Juggle

Well it is official I am a working mom! I keep day dreaming that I will be one of those moms who has it all together-the one that in the movies has a set routine that always works, where she wins mother of the year and gets promoted on the same day and always has time for everything and everyone. But when I open my eyes and come down from the clouds I remember that it will never be like that and that everyday will be a new learning experience not just for me but for Nick and Adrian as well.

Case in point - day 1 back in the work force.

5:45 am Adrian and I woke up at the same time! Breastfed for 45 minutes and then tried to put her back to sleep but of course she was wide awake so dad had to take over while I got ready for work.

7:39 am Left the house with what looked like enough luggage for a week long vacation. Gym bag, breast pump goodies, a packed ("I just had a baby healthy") lunch, Adrians bag for school, work bag with laptop and of course Adrian. Just packing the car took 5 minutes!

7:50 am Dropped Adrian off at school. She was a happy baby but it was hard on mommy to walk out of the room and back out to the car.

8:30 am Arrived at work and found my new office (we moved offices when I was out). It felt like the first day of school where you have to find your new home room. I had no idea where I was going or what I was walking into. First on the agenda was finding where the restrooms and coffee were!

9:30 am Hour long Conference call

11:00 am Pumped at my desk - thank goodness for office doors!

11:30 Team lunch -no gym for me today :(

1:30 pm Pumped again

2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Meeting with team

4:55 pm Ran to car and headed home

5:35 Arrived home to a sleeping baby in her swing- it was so hard not to wake her up and cover her with kisses.

6:00 pm Time for Adrians dinner

7:00 Nick and I ate dinner

8:00 pm Got together all 3 bottles for the next day, packed up my lunch and bag so the next morning goes as smooth.

8:30 pm Nursed again and got Adrian ready for bed

9:30 pm Picked out Adrians and my clothes for the next day (if not I would never make it to work on time)

10 pm Finally laid down and read for 30 minutes - then finally passed out.

So today is Day 2 and already my schedule has been thrown out the window since Adrian decided that at 4 am it was time for breakfast and then again at 7. But luckily I still managed it all and got to work 10 minutes early - yay me! Learning to be a mom has come naturally but learning how to juggle everything else I have a feeling is not going to be as easy. But knowing that I get to come home everyday to my little family makes it all worth it!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

10 weeks and 10 pounds

I wrote this last week but never published..oops! Here you go!

Our baby is 10 weeks old now and weighs over 10 pounds! She has outgrown all her newborn clothes and has moved onto 1 size diapers - she is a growing girl and we are so proud! AJ (trying out the nickname) has officially found her voice and talks up a storm! It is amazing to hear her little voice and hold a conversation - even though it is a bit one sided :) She really does try and interacts so well that it excites me for the near future when she will be jabbering away (like her mother)! I cannot wait to hear all the funny, clever and sweet things that she will talk about. I know that she will be very opionated just like her mom and dad!

Over the next few weeks this little family will be particpating in several exciting events. Adrian will be heading to school next Monday which I am sure will be more of an adjustment for me then it will be for her! Luckily we will just be easing into it as I dont go back to work till the 22nd. Immediately following the start of school Adrian will be getting baptised into the Lutheran faith by the same Pastor that married us almost 3 years ago. This will be a very special day for her.

Four days after the baptism I return to work. I am looking forward to getting back into the swing of things and diving into some new projects but I am going to desperately miss my little girl. Since becoming a mom I have learned how to be a mom this way- stay at home- and now I am going to have to relearn as a working mom. I just hope that it is an easy transition. I am also fearful of losing my milk once I go back to work. Breastfeeding has gone so well so far and I do want to continue as long as I can but you just never know what my work schedule has in store for me! My plan is to play it by ear and try to be as flexible as I can and hopefully my body will adapt and keep up (fingers crossed)!

Life has been so incredibly amazing since Adrian entered the world. Every morning that she wakes up smiling and cooing it makes me think about how lucky we are and how I wouldnt change one thing!