Monday, September 20, 2010

"Stranger Rub"

I was just reminded by Allison about my experience this past Friday and thought I should share. The term "Stranger Rub" may sound strange to many of you but automatically came to me after I was attacked by a older lady in the bathroom at a local restaurant. Up until this time I had not had the unpleasant experience of my belly being attacked by a stranger in a strange place. In fact I had just decided that no one did this anymore since I had made it 6 months already without it - so I had been going about my merry daily activities without even a concern that if left open a stranger would knowingly rub my belly for what seems like good luck. I am not going to lie - it is a very akward feeling - someone you have never laid eyes upon all of sudden pats and or rubs in a circular motion a singular body part of yours. In any other circumstance I could have had this women arrested or at least kicked out of the restaurant for such random touchiness, but no, because I am pregnant this action seems to be widely accepted.

Its not that I completely minded as this was a older lady who I was standing behind waiting to wash my hands. All I could say was "oh?!" while she was rubbing in that circular motion for what I thought was a tad bit too long. I have a feeling that this will not be the last time for the "Stranger Rub" - but one can only hope! Thank you for the table of friends I was able to walk back to with wide surprised eyes to share this momentous occasion with.

That is all. :)

Photo Update

I recieved a couple more pictures to share. This weekend my mom, Chelsea and I went shopping and picked out Nursery paint color for Adrian. They were a big help as we actually picked one out. Now we just need to get the painter scheduled and we should be good to go and will just be waiting for the furniture to be delivered (story of my life)!

Nick had the opportunity to go to the Cowboys game yesterday with our friend Rob and Robs best friends from home. Of course Nick went with all Bears fans and the Bears ended up winning. In that regard it was a sad day for him but I am pretty sure being so close to the action outweighed the loss.

We go back to the doctor on Thursday so we will have a new update then! In the meantime I am so excited that all of my shows start back up tonight and this week! I will be away from the TV 2 nights this week so tonight I will be preparing my DVR to begin working overtime tonight. Hope everyone has a great week!

Family photo from Indiana

Saturday with the girls - 24 1/2 weeks

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Baby Moves

Well it has been some time since I last posted. I guess I have been delaying the post because so much has happened in this period of time that I couldnt imagine putting it all down on this proverbially paper. But here we go -

Just a few weeks ago I began feeling Adrian. Looking back I had been feeling her move around for sometime but just as they say when it is your first you never quite know if what you are feeling is truly a baby. It wasnt until I was sitting around the shop with some of my friends in Indiana when they informed me that " No Amanda that is not gas...that is Adrian!" At that moment it all clicked and I have never been so excited! Feeling your baby moving and squirming around in your belly is probably the coolest thing a woman will ever experience. There are no words to describe what it feels like and how it makes you feel. Knowing she is doing well and having that connection with her is amazing. Immediately Nick felt anxious to also feel her..I felt bad that he had not yet had this experience with her but knew that it would just be anytime that she would start kicking for her daddy. This past Sunday morning while laying in bed Nick just happened to have his hand on my belly with the hopes of feeling her and there she went- moving and kicking away! So much that my belly actually moved! Nick jumped and was all smiles from ear to ear. She knew what she was doing and for who (already a daddys girl!), she went ahead and did it one more time for her dad just to make it an even 2 times.

Now I feel her all the time - she especially likes to squirm about when I am in meetings which only helps to keep me entertained. She aslo loves the mornings when I am singing with the radio. So fun!

While in Indiana our family blessed us with a beautiful brunch shower! Jackie, Joy and Krista did a wonderful job at hosting and it was also a great opportunity for Nick and I to see all the women in the family, catch up with them and introduce them to my mom (Nick just joined us at the beginning at then again at the end). We walked home with more clothes than I could ever imagine..some of th ecutest things that I cannot wait to try on her! We also were given our baby swing, bouncy seat, and portable high chair. If you can believe it we were able to bring most everything home with us but Nick will haev to make the journey back up to Indiana to bring home our higg chair and swing- but as you all know he will be anxious to make this trip.

All in all we had a fabulous trip to Indiana. My parents got to experience most of Nicks favorite things- bon fires, beer, good food, bags and family. We spent alot of time just hanging out with each other and visiting. I havent recieved any of my pictures yet from the shower but below are a few hamilton family photos and pictures captured on my phone. When I get the pictures back from my mom I will post these as well.

Relaxing with the girls!

Right before we left for the airport.

23 weeks- ready for Sooner Game Day

Playing with the new stroller. Nicks new wheels!

Nick and Ciera and Jack.

Nick and his brother Matt trying to fix Jacks motorcycle.