Sunday, December 19, 2010

"A Day" = December 27th

Its officially time for a countdown...8 days to be precise. On Monday the 27th at 5:30 pm we will welcome Adrian Joy Hamilton into this world. There are no words to describe the feelings I am having now knowing that in 8 days I will be someones mom and will finally get to lay my eyes on our baby. Our bags are mostly packed, the car seat is in the newly cleaned car, I just received a wonderful pedicure for the hospital and the housekeeper is set to come on Tuesday to clean the house in preparation. I think we are as ready as we can be!

Over dinner tonight Nick and I both made the comment that we wished we didn't have to work this week because we are so excited but before we could put too much thought into that we quickly decided that without work keeping our minds busy we would go crazy with anticipation. Four more days in the office for me...the next 12 weeks will be devoted to little Addi.

Our lives are about to change significantly and I couldn't be more aware or excited. It feels as if we have been waiting for this day forever and I know that once we meet her we will feel as if we have known her forever. I couldn't imagine walking down this path with anyone else other than Nick, my best friend and partner in life. This is just the beginning of our life together and the family we will grow into. I pray that all my friends and loved ones will have a joyous Christmas season and that they receive all that they have asked and dreamed for..I know we will! Next post will be to announce our daughter!

Have a terrific week!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Determined Baby

This baby of ours does not want to change positions at all and in fact is so comfortable in a head up position that I think she is just going to stay that way till the end. And to tell you the truth I dont really blame her- who wants to have all the blood rushing to your head all day!

So because of her determination we are going to go ahead and schedule a C-Section the last week of December. It will be either the 27th, 28th or 29th (TBD based on Doctors schedule). It is not the ideal situation since no one wants to have to go through surgery and then have the recovery time on top of that but I will do whatever is best for Adrian which at this point is going in and getting her! Of course she still has the opportunity to turn south but the odds get smaller and smaller everyday as she gets bigger and there is less room for her to turn - but heres to hoping! And of course I could also go into labor between now and then but for now our new "due date" will be the day of the section.

Here are some positives that could come from having a C-Section (what I have come up with to not be as anxious):
1) Knowing the date is awesome- I can actually somewhat plan around it
2) Babies always look prettier when they dont go through the birth canal
3) Who hasnt wanted a war scar..right?
4) I get an extra 2 weeks off paid my company if you have a c-section- so we now will be looking at 12 weeks instead of 10.
5)Nick will have to do all the heavy lifting around the house for awhile as I wont be able to (not like I do any now!)
6) I will have to stay longer in the hospital (not really a positive) but our family will probably now make it down in time to greet us in the hospital

Really that is all I can think of- if you have more please feel free to comment here to make me feel better about the situation! :)

Also, we found out that Adrian is weighing around 6 pounds and 3 ounces and if we went full term she would be around 8 so most likely she will be in the 7's. I am also closer to 50% effaced now but still the same in dilation.

It was a good morning for the Hamiltons now it is just time for a countdown - Possibly in 19 days we could be a Family of 3! Keep us in your prayers! Love you all.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

35 weeks with big news!

We are getting so close! This morning we had our 35 week doctor appointment. No more weight gain (thank goodness) and blood pressure is doing great! I had my first exam though today which I was not expecting till next week so it looks as though I misjudged that a bit. These end of pregnancy exams are somewhat bitter sweet if you ask me- they are pretty painful and leave you very uncomfortable but you walk out of the office with great information that you have been waiting to hear for a long time! So I will take the good with the bad.

The great information we found out today is that at 35 weeks I am about 30% effaced (cervix is thinning) and probably about 1-2 cm dilated! My doctor told me that this was good news because this probably means that I will not go past my due date (which I of course told her that was not an option!) and that most women at 35 weeks are not at all effaced yet.

This news has told me that my body is beginning to get ready to have this baby! And I am so ready for her to be here. To Nick this news has made him a bit worried as we really need her to stay inside cooking till December 14th as this is the day I need to hit to get paid by my company while I am out on leave. But from what I have read women can stay at any dilation or effacement for weeks on end. So hopefully this will be my story as well. But as soon as December 14th comes I am more than ready to welcome Adrian into this world! We cannot stop talking about how much we want to meet her and be a family of three but I am not going to lie... I am ready to once again sleep on my stomach, lay on my back, not huff and puff while walking up stairs and for the Love wear my own clothes again! :)

This is a very exciting time for us and I cannot wait to introduce our newest family member to all of you. Please send your prayers our way so that she stays in till the time is ready and that she and I have a safe and healthily delivery. From here on out we will go every week (every Thursday actually) to the doctor- next week is our last sonogram as we still are not sure if she has turned yet to be head down but we do know that she has started to get low.

Happy holidays!