Monday, June 27, 2011

Hamilton Happenings

So I am almost ashamed that it has been so long since my last post! In my defense, every time I even looked at my blog I would get overwhelmed at how much there was to update on that I would get lazy and just switch the screen back to Facebook or TMZ. Well I am not that lazy lady today so here it goes!

-Adrian will be 6 months old next Monday and it is getting harder and harder to remember her as a tiny baby (which makes momma sad). She is growing into such a little girl and has developed such a distinct personality- that becomes more defined with everyday that passes. I have a feeling she is going to be a little too much like her mother haha.

-Adrian is officially sitting up! As most of you know my baby only likes to be held upright and looking out because she just loves to people watch like her parents. Well now she can sit up on her own and take it all in! She hasn't mastered pulling herself up but when placed there she can hold herself up for several minutes! Before you know it she will be walking! tear

-Adrian has 2 teeth and 2 more on the way! She is eating solids now and has a great appetite. Where has the time gone!?

-We put our house on the market! yikes! I have wanted to do this for awhile now, but once again, the thought of getting the house ready to sell was taunting but we slowly but surely got there and it is move in ready! We have had only 2 showings and one open house but I am positive that the right buyer is out there. It has been a wonderful first home for Nick and I. It is the house where we came home to after our honeymoon and began our life as man and wife and it is also was the home where we brought our baby girl home to and started our life as a family of 3. It will always be our 'first' and will always have a special place in our hearts but I am looking forward to the next home where we grow into as a family. Updates to follow!

-I have been swamped with work lately and have had a presentation every week for the past 2 months it seems but I am loving every second of it. My job challenges me everyday and forces me to think harder, be more creative and step outside of my comfort zone. I just surpassed my 1 year anniversary at Novation but it feels like I have been here for years due to all that I have learned and accomplished. I hope to be a fantastic role model for my daughter as my mother was to me - and one of the many things that I always looked up to my mom for was her drive, ambition and being a bad mamm jamma at work (if you knew her you would say the same).

-Nicks parents came to town for a long weekend and we had such a great time! We went to the Stockyards and showed them what it really meant to be in Texas, had great BBQ at Coopers, had a cookout with family and friends and took them out on my parents boat for Adrians first boat ride. It was such a relaxing weekend where we were able to really enjoy eahcothers company. I cannot wait for the next visit!

-Last weekend my mom, Nick, Adrian and I drove to OKC to visit with our dear friends Jan, Lindsay and Romi. We had never met Romi before so I am so thankful we were able to do it before she turned a year old next month. She will have a little sister in October (hopefully on my bday!) so We will have to make another trip soon. Also, during our trip Nick and I attended my old friends Oakley and Susans wedding- this was so great because we were able to catch up with some of the best friends I have ever had. All in all we had a whirlwind of a trip that was much needed!

-As you will be able to see in the pictures below we had the privilege of visiting the new Cowboys stadium with Ben and Allison! It was a dream come true for those boys but was also very cool for us girls too. We took a million pictures as you will see. Nick told Adrian that he knew she would never remember this moment but that he would never forget it. He is such a sweet daddy!

I vow to not take this long to update moving forward!! Because when I do it is impossible to include all that you want to in one single post. I am sure I am leaving out tons of stuff such as birthday surprises, surgeries, engagements of wonderful friends, announcements of babies (1 Tuel boy to be exact) and one crazy housekeeper biting dog but that is just life...and I am so thankful to have so much good news/stories to write about! Love you all

Oh, also posted is the video of Adrian eating solids for the first time- I finally downloaded it!