Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Busy busy busy

This growing family has been very busy lately! We had a relaxing but busy Memorial weekend where we spent two days at the lake with the family and then went swimming with our friends the Stahlers. We then prepared to head to Indiana for a weeks vacation to celebrate our niece, Micaylas graduation from highschool! The week went by too fast as our trips always do but it was a wonderful time spent with our family and friends and ended on the high note of our friends Landon and Emily having thier baby, Hadley Ruth! As soon as we came back home I then left for three days for a conference and returned home to throw a baby shower for my life long best friend, Ruth and her baby Logan that will be here at the beginning of August. As I write this I am in Atlanta, GA attending my last out of town meeting for work until I return back to work after my maternity leave...whew!

I am looking forward to spending time at home not traveling so we can prepare for little Averys arrival as well as getting those last few months of just 1 on 1 Adrian time. She could not be more excited about being a big sister and does really seem to comprehend a baby in mommys belly but this will not just be an adjustment for us but more so for her. It is easy to want to fast forward the next two months because I want to meet Avery so much but I am going to soak in the next 2 months and make them special for Adrian!

 Swimming at the Stahlers
 Best friend Drake- they saw a bug in the water
 First boat trip of the year
 She loved going fast!
 Driving around on the Rhino in Indiana
 All the grandkids on the pier
 Watching Jack play baseball

 Micaylas cake table at her graduation party!
 Celebrating Micayla

 She finally likes to swing!
 The aftermath of the party!
 Best friends brining best friends into the world - both due in August! (28 or so weeks for me at this time)
Welcome Baby Logan!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Long time no speak

I know, I know...I have been a slacker. In fact, I have been a slacker for a full year now. I have to admit that this is probably my best attempt at slacking in some time. If I had to coin my own term for this feat it would be...well, just pure laziness. Lets be honest here.  But I have found a new motivation to proceed. A new motivation to pick up where I left off. A new motivation to move forward... and it is not just the selfish need for an outlet through writing but the fact that our family is expecting our second addition in merely three short months. Yes, we will finally be the family of four that all restaurants, cars and furniture are made for and we could not be more excited!

Avery Sue Hamilton is just about 26 weeks old in my belly and as I type this and I can feel her more and more every day. With this being my second pregnancy some things are old hat so to speak but with every new pregnancy comes its different distractions and emotions. I have found it so much more difficult this time around to be as "in it" as I was the first time- mainly because my days are full with my 2 1/2 year old Adrian Joy, husband and 2 dogs as well as managing my full time job and the four others I have responsibility for. But I will say that the quiet, rare time I have with my belly and Avery are precious and very much not taken for granted. I realize that between now and the end of August I have so much to do to prepare for another child but in reality I know most of that is mental preparation! I need to mentally prepare for the fact that I will have the same amount of time in the day but more love, attention and responsibility to hand out. I will move back to the world of no sleep, tiny diapers, nursing with one eye open at 1 am, spit up on every shirt, Dr Browns bottle parts spread across the house, feeding every 3 hours and too much time spent on and around what I refer to as "liquid gold" or breast milk.  But I also need to be reminded of the fact that I will finally get to look and stare into the eyes of another miracle that Nick and I created, that I am giving my daughter a best friend and sister that she will be raised with and will be a complete witness to her life, the fact that my house will never be quiet again and the rooms will be filled with the beautiful voices of our two little girls and I could not be more excited for what the future brings.

So, yes, I admit to my laziness over the last year with this blog but I can honestly say laziness is not part of what happens in our house! We have been busy living and enjoying our family as it is today and planning for how it will be soon so I am excited to be back so that I can share our world with you! Stay Tuned as I am sure the excitement is just beginning!

Monday, February 13, 2012

We have a genius in the family

Adrian is learning so much every day and it truly just blows us away on how quickly she can pick things up. For instance, Nick asked her one day how old she was and now every time you ask her she holds her little finger up and says "one"! She is absolutely a miracle and everyday I fall more in love with her. I am one very lucky Momma!

13 1/2 months - lazy Sunday morning

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy Birthday Adrian Joy!

I have never more in my life wanted to slow down time. These last 12 months have flown by. I have watched our 7 pound 2 ounce baby girl transition into a walking talking toddler with a distinct personality. How did that happen? And did I appreciate every minute I could? Probably not, that is just how it goes- but I do know the last 12 months have been the most meaningful and special 12 months of our lives.

You hear it said by almost every parent -"I could never imagine my life without my children in it. In fact, I cant remember my life before." I now know what they mean and I say the same thing every day. Adrian has changed us forever as individuals and as a couple. She challenges us every minute to be the best person, mom or dad we can be. She makes us be creative with our story times and silly dances and songs. She forces us to work even more as a team and collaborate as one unit. She has made me more organized, realistic and flexible and has made us appreciate the small things like bear hugs, impromptu giggles and splashes in the bath tub.

She has grown into such a strong personailty who tells you what she wants even if its by grunting. She is not afraid to speak her mind, give kisses, wave goodbye, play with the dogs and be my cuddlebug at the same time. You can already tell that she is going to be confident and independent which I am excited about it because we think she gets that naturally from both sides- but I just want to ensure that she always knows she can come back and cuddle with us and know that we will always be there for her.

This year God has blessed us with more love, strength and patience than I ever thought was possible or that we ever deserved but I cant say thank you enough for all He has given us. I just pray that we can keep living the way we should and teaching Adrian by example. The next 12 months are going to be even more exciting and fun as Adrian begins to run, talk and develop more into a little girl and no longer my baby and we cannot wait to experience it all! I am just so thankful for my wonderful husband, our great family and friends and for the best daughter in the world! Happy Birthday Adrian Joy!

 One happy 1 year old!
 We love you baby girl!
 Beautiful and yummy cake
 Mom and dad got her a babby size ball bounce house!
 With my Mamaw- so sweet!

 With Mamaw at her Dallas family party
 All her cousins in Indiana
 Family Picture- the day before her actual birthday
 I swear she liked the cake! They were beautiful but dont have pictures of them yet. Will post once we do!
 Loves her new red wagon- blowing kisses!
 Sibling shot
 With Grandpa on Christmas Day
 All ready to go to Church on Christmas Eve
 One excited little girl on Christmas morning!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Strike a pose!

I am just now getting around to posting some of our family photos that were taken while we were in Indiana in September by a good family friend. They turned out really well despite Adrian not being in the best mood that afternoon! You should have seen us attempting to get her to smile! It was a hoot! Arent we so lucky to have such a good looking family?! Enjoy